How To

das Geld + die Politik is a searchable database. The best place to start is with the search function. You can search for the following:

Page: Actors

This is the heart of money + politics. All natural and legal persons listed in the Swiss Federal Audit Office register have their own actor page. This is always structured in the same way: We show what the four boxes mean here using the example of GLP Switzerland, as of June 17, 2024 (GLP was randomly chosen).

  • The GLP runs the following campaigns: This box lists all the campaigns that the GLP is running. This includes the party campaigns of the national GLP and all cantonal sections as well as the individual campaigns of all GLP politicians.

  • The GLP profits from these campaigns as a candidate: Campaigns for National Council and Council of States elections must indicate which candidates benefit from them. This box lists all campaigns that state that GLP candidates benefit from their support. In addition to party and individual campaigns, third-party campaigns are also listed here.

  • The GLP makes the following donations: Campaigns must disclose donors over CHF 15,000. If a campaign states that the GLP Switzerland has donated to it, this will be listed here.

  • The GLP benefits from the following donations: Here we list the donations that went to campaigns from which GLP candidates benefit.



The box below compares the selected actors: Natural persons are compared with natural persons, and legal entities with legal entities. With one click, you can set whether to compare (made) donations or campaign budgets.


In the federal Swiss system, actors relate to each other at different levels: a national party consists of cantonal sections; these nominate candidates for national elections. Many national associations also have cantonal sections. We have linked these together hierarchically. This allows us to calculate national campaign budgets, for example, by adding together all individual candidate campaigns with the budgets of all cantonal sections and the national budget. This makes the budgets comparable between different actors.

Page: Date of vote

Each ballot has its own page with all the proposals/elections that will be put to the ballot on that Sunday.


In addition to the title of the vote/election, there is a comparison between all campaign budgets and all donations.


Below on the left is a list of all campaigns that have been published to date for this vote/election. On the right is a list of all donations that these campaigns have disclosed.

Page: Vote/Election

Each individual vote or election has its own page. It consists of four boxes. On the left-hand side is the Yes camp, on the right-hand side is the No camp.


The top boxes contain the campaigns that are being run for this vote. The lower boxes contain a list of donations to these campaigns.

If a camp has not published any donations, the box is greyed out.

Data tab

In future, you will be able to download all raw data under ‘Data’. We are working on it.


With "Election/Vote," you can choose whether to display all data or only the data for a specific vote or election.

To the right, you can switch between budgets and final accounts. For National Council and referendum campaigns, the campaigners must submit a budget 45 days before the ballot date and the final invoice 60 days afterwards. Therefore, for a current vote or election, it is possible that only budgets are available and not the final invoices yet.
